Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What the HECK is an Orthorexic?!

So, I get this article in the mail from my Mom. She's famous for cutting out stuff like this for EVERYBODY! She sends a bunch at a time, cut out from various magazines, local newspapers and flyers. Then she writes a little note on each one telling my WHY she's sending it. I think it's a "Mom" thing, don't you?

Anyway, this one article is about "Orthorexics." This is a term coined by a Dr. Steven Bratman sometime in the 90's. Basically, an orthorexic is a person overly concerned about what and how healthy they eat. Which, according to him, is different than an ANOrexic because, well...they don't eat at all!

I think it's a crock. Here's why. There's so much crap out there I think it's important to be careful about what you put in your body! We're such a technologically oriented society, more and more consumables are make artificially and we really have no idea of the long term affects of things like partially hydrogenated oils, Splenda and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). These last two keep fats and oils from going rancid. See? I bet you didn't even know what those were.

Now, do people like me become a bit neurotic when it comes to eating? Yeah, we try to have organic, natural ingredients, without too many preservatives or chemicals I can't pronounce or spell. Because it's so hard to come by, we have to pay more attention to it! But, most of us indulge every so often if we're in a nice restaurant or at a friend's house for an evening.

This guy feels if one is "overly focused" on what we eat, then there's something wrong. What?! Better we ignore it? HELLO, doc, have you LOOKED around? EVERYONE is ignoring it! That's why most of the country is overweight!

The article says we used to be called Health Nuts. Evidently, it's not a strong enough term.

All I can say is we need people to be a little orthorexic-like.

If you read this, and weigh less than 100 pounds and are over 5 feet tall, you are the exception. YOU'RE anorexic. Go eat an organic sandwich and get some help. You're not healthy. Seriously.

Talk to you soon.